The Dilemma
What do you do with a cast iron eagle that is nearly 2 metres tall with a wingspan to match, and weighs over 250kg? It’s not an everyday dilemma – but it was one we found ourselves faced with late in January when someone very close passed away and left Peter the eagle in his will. Peter and his brother Neil loved giving each other the most ridiculous gifts, always vying with each other to outdo the last obscure present. The eagle was a surprisingly tasteful, if totally over the top, gift that Peter gave to Neil on his 60th birthday. Neil had the last laugh when he passed away in January and left this amazing bird to Peter.
Hence our dilemma!
To add to our conundrum, the eagle was currently located half way up a Welsh mountain in Snowdonia. It was going to have to take flight ….but to where? And how?
To Peter it was obvious. The eagle had to leave Wales and fly to France. Why not! Hmmmm ..a few simple logistical problems perhaps? Because unsurprisingly enough, this overweight bird couldn’t fly!